Chapter: 883
After all, Forces of Justice and Demonic Cult were currently allies, so no major problems would pop up.

Of course, fights could erupt between alliances too.

The Great Leader nodded in agreement.

“Do what you want.”

“Thank you!”


Yeon Buso’s face brightened.

“Ohho! To go with Leader Yeon! Such an honor.”

Peng-gyu felt elated at the unexpected support.

Even before entering the Forces of Justice and becoming a leader, rumors had been going around that Yeon Buso was an extremely powerful monster.

Less than three months after leaving Yulin to train his abilities, he’d been recognized for his skills in martial arts and was known to be one of the strongest warriors within Yulin.

It was common to hear people saying that even if they lost in reputation as martial artists, being older than Yeon Buso was something to be proud of, especially since he was a recognized warrior of Yulin and just a little below the Five Strongest Warriors.

‘I was told that he was around 30 years old, but I can’t guess what happened to push him so far in the power scale’

Peng-gyu was a master in the Superior Master level, but he couldn’t guess what Yeon Buso’s level was.

Rumors stated that he had reached the end of the Superior Master level, but there were those who thought that he must have achieved the Supreme Master level already.

“I might be lacking in skills, but I want to help the 17th leader.”

“Hahaha, you have such great experience, please don’t be too modest. If I am being accompanied by the secret weapon of the Forces of Justice, then my chances of getting the arm of Elder Cheong-su will increase.”

At the same time, Peng-gyu raised his right arm and pretended to cut it with the other.

Yeon Buso didn’t want to pick a side, but Peng-gyu’s actions were too petty as a leader.

‘The positions of a rich leader and a skilled one have changed. Tch, Tch.’

Peng-gyu of the Peng family is a wealthy owner, and as he was the son of the previous leader, he simply inherited the position.

But that didn’t mean that Peng-gyu lacked ingenuity or resourcefulness.

It was just that, for a leader of a faction, his temper and aggressiveness tended to drive his opponents into a corner.

Despite Peng-gyu’s provocative attitude, Elder Cheong-su didn’t respond.

After all, for the last three days, he had warned everyone about it.

‘You are the ones who ignored my warning. Go and see it for yourself.’

Although the Forces of Justice and the Demonic Cult had allied, Chun Yeowun was the kind of person who showed no mercy.

He’d been wondering what he was supposed to say if Peng-gyu didn’t make it back alive.

The main group of the Forces of Justice wasn’t far from the Imperial capital, because it was located in the same region.

If they traveled whilst resting, they could reach the capital within three days, and in just two days if they gave up their sleep.