Chapter: 9
‘I hope he doesn’t catch on...’

He tried to hide it, but he became nervous. He was forbidden from learning any kind of martial arts before joining the academy.

‘Hm... he did get help from someone. That’s certain...’

The doctor was curious because of the change that had happened to the boy. He thought the boy would be pushed down the ranks with his weak body and no knowledge of martial arts. However, his state now proved that he was fit to learn martial arts better than any of the other princes from the other families.

Nonetheless, he still was in a bad place to aim for the succession. The other princes already had started learning martial arts and had their own forces.

‘He wasn’t all that uninterested after all, it seems.’

The doctor assumed that the reason for this change was due to the Lord, Chun Yujong.

‘He is his son after all...’

If the Lord had helped secretly, there was no need for him to acknowledge it. The doctor just wrote a prescription for some medicine to help Yeowun regain his energy and returned.



Yeowun hadn’t even thanked his guard yet. Nano Machine healed him, but if Jang didn’t come in time, who knew what would have happened next?

“Thank you for bringing me back to...”

Before Yeowun can finish, Jang coldly said, “I’m sorry, Prince. You must wash up first.”


It smelled terrible. The doctor called a slave to clean the bed and make preparations so that Yeowun could wash up. While bathing in a hot bathtub, Yeowun was filled with a strange sensation.

‘Does the world want to change my fate?’

His fate had already been decided the moment he was born to a female slave. All that was left for his life was to survive without being killed.

‘Hey, Nano Machine.’

[Yes, Master.]

He had not talked to the Nano Machine for about an hour now. Nano Machine did not speak if he did not ask.

‘You said you recovered me from my wound. How far can you do it?’

[I can recover external or internal wounds quickly. But the loss of blood or a body part will require cell replication which will require a longer time period.]

‘O-oh... I see.’

The Nano Machine had given him a lot of information, but it was still hard to understand. At least it was certain that he could recover from most wounds unless he lost a body part or too much blood.

‘Should I test it?’

[I would not recommend hurting yourself, but if you want to try, I suggest testing it first with a small cut.]

Yeowun then grabbed the dagger placed on his pile of clothing and cut his palm.


The pain made him frown.