Chapter: 907
Apart from the loss of balance in his body due to his arm, some invisible force pushed down on him.

It was clear to Peng-gyu that he wouldn’t be able to stand at all.

It felt like his entire body was incapacitated.

‘Kuek! Th-this makes no sense, he is a monster. How can he do this in the palace... no, no! It can’t be!’

Peng-gyu blinked his eyes.

The words of Elder Cheong-su flowed back into his mind when he was down on his knees.

[He is a monster, no, he is the Demon God himself.]

Peng-gyu raised his head with trembling eyes and looked at the young man in front of him.

The white face and strong eyes.

The feeling of intimidation was no joke, but no matter how much he looked, it made no sense.

A Superior Master getting overpowered by something with normal internal energy!

[Th-this means he is a Divine Master!]

“Is-is that really true?”

Peng-gyu could feel how foolish he had acted.

Out of all the people present in the temple, why did he have to choose the Lord of the Demonic Cult?

‘Wh-what have I done?’

Peng-gyu was at a loss for words.

Just then, Yeon Buso, the eldest son of the Great Leader of Forces of Justice, and the other warriors of the Peng house entered the temple.

Chun Yeowun ruffled his long hair to the back and spoke.

“Huhu, there is so much arguing... there seem to be a lot of people getting their arms cut off today.”

Yeon Buso’s trembling eyes looked at Chun Yeowun.

He never imagined that Peng-gyu, a member of the Forces of Justice, would get taken down so fast.


Looking to the right, he saw the monks of the Hangsan clan kneeling, and in front of them was Monk Sathi.

“Monk Sathi!”

He was shocked at what he saw.

The great warrior and swordsman Monk Sathi, being on her knees, shocked them.

Her blood points were hit and she couldn’t move her blood drenched body, but she tried to say something to them.

‘Don’t! don’t try to touch that man!’

She was unable to move her tongue and mouth.