Chapter: 108
“Pearl Collins…” Mellisa called out and the black witch fell silent in shock.

Titus gasped at the strangeness in her eyes, how could this woman be Pearl Collins?

Hadn’t the entire Collins family been slaugh***ed by him and Pearl had been hanged to death by him too hundreds of years – ago?

“HAHAHAHAHAHA…. SHOCKED MONSTER KING? YES, I AM ALIVE AND WILL ALWAYS BE ALIVE TO MAKE SURE THAT YOU WILL NOT HAVE HAPPINESS” Despite being tightly bound, blindfolded and restrained from using magic by Mellisa, the black witch didn’t look scared at all.

Titus let out a long sigh “Long time no see Pearl, I thought you were dead then”

She snorts scornfully “That voice… Rolf Titus Osmund…”

“A broken heart makes you a demon” The king said piercingly, wanting to provoke the witch’s reaction, Mellisa nodded in agreement for Titus to continue talking to her “How did you get back up? I didn’t know there was magic to resurrect someone who was dead” she added in a nonchalant tone,

“Gggrrr… F*ck you, Rolf” Her body was shaking from the anger the witch felt and made Mellisa smile at the success of her plan.

“No, I don’t want to f*ck you, I’ll just kill you again” added the king, still in a scornful tone that made the witch’s body tremble even more.

“Hahahaha… you think you can? Kill me how many times but I’m like you, I can’t die, my soul will always live.” He said confidently and made Mellisa wide-eyed in shock as she realized something from his words.

“Eternal soul spell”

Mellisa whispered and the black witch gasped in shock and began to rebel when she realized her secret had been revealed.

“LET GO OF ME!!! I KILLED THAT ST**ID TWIN!!!” She screamed again and tried to break free from Mellisa’s magical bondage.

Hurriedly Titus, Mellisa and Alpha Blake who followed them out of the room. They knew they had successfully unlocked the dark witch’s secret.

“What is it?” Titus quickly asked the white witch in front of him.

“The sacrifice of a witch’s life so that her body can be entered by a black witch’s soul, that’s why she instigated Morena to take her body when my sister was off guard” Mellisa explained with tears in her eyes, knowing that there was no Morena now even though the body was hers “It’s an extremely powerful and old magic, no one can ever try it because sacrificing a fellow witch is a horrible thing.”

“We just need to kill the body again” Alpha Blake said but Mellisa shook her head.

‘Her soul will exist, we need to find the soul of Morena, my twin sister and return it to her original body, then we need to find Pearl’s original body so she can return to being mortal and that’s when we can kill her.”



The building seemed to tremble and made the three pairs of eyes stare back at the direction where the black witch was.

“We have to hurry, I don’t know how long I can hold her with my witchcraft” Mellisa added quickly, Pearl was a very powerful black witch, she had old black magic that Mellisa had never learned so she didn’t know how long her white magic could withstand that black power.

Meanwhile deep in the hospital where Gwen was being treated, she opened her eyes as she felt the earth tremble slightly.

Destine knows what’s causing it and it makes her even angrier… “The black witch is here’ Destine said to Gwen who had just opened her eyes.

They knew that the witch was the cause of all this pain but why was she brought here instead of being killed?