Chapter: 257
Hopefully there won’t be any problems during the time there, such as women being attracted to him.

Everyone started to take off their seatbelt to stand up, I also got up and stood up when Titus let go of his bear hug.

Ugh… I was a little weak from being asleep for too long and had to hold on to the chair to stabilize my body so Titus quickly and swiftly helped me.

“I told you to let me carry you” He grumbled but I just smiled and shook my head as we started walking down the plane.

Alexa was waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs with a thick scarf “Since you’re like a human, I have to keep you from freezing, my queen” She said as she put the scarf around my neck.

Everyone’s attention brought tears to my eyes.

My parents smiled as they saw me walking alone and my mom held me as we walked through the airport to the lobby where the car was waiting for us to take us straight to the hospital while I saw the rest of the guards heading in different directions to collect our luggage.

“We don’t seem to have had a long talk, but one of the things I hope for when I recover is to be able to remember you” I said to my mom who wrapped her arm around my shoulder as we continued walking.

“It will be… I’ll wait for you.” She said softly.

“I’m sorry for troubling you all.” I said again and made her widen her eyes before shaking her head.

He kissed my forehead “Nonsense, I’m so glad I still have you in my arms, what’s life without challenges, right?”

Her kindness and gentleness warmed me, yes, since I came and met her she only showed me patience and a warm heart, making me proud to call her mom.

“I love you, mom” I whispered softly and made her stop her footsteps before giving me a tight squeeze with a big smile.

“This won’t be our last time together, you’re going to get better, okay?” she responded firmly and I nodded my head before we started walking together again.

Yes, everyone must be very worried, wolfsbane poison treatment is not an ordinary treatment, besides being dangerous, it is also heavy. Melissa explained the side effects or permanent effects that could occur if this failed.

Not only will I lose my wolf, I could also lose my life because my brain won’t be able to heal as quickly as my wolf, it could get worse due to the drugs that Jack gives me, which has the effect of losing my memory, so I could be like someone with severe dementia.

Right now simply forgetting all of them is a terrible thing, I can’t imagine having to forget them completely or even not being able to recognize them anymore.

What will happen to me?

It’s like living in a soulless shell.

God, please don’t let that happen, I really need your help…

This time I rode with my parents and Titus rode with the others, it seemed that our pretense of acting like siblings had begun.

I sigh and my mom just smiles, she seems to understand how I feel right now, away from my mate.

I don’t know if it’s because I’m also a werewolf? However, this feeling for Titus is very constant and fills me up.

Would I have these feelings if I were human?

My heart raced as the car stopped and got out to look at the building in front of me.