Chapter: 58
Growling, I gasp as he lifts my body effortlessly and makes me wrap my legs around his waist.

I moaned long and hard as his mouth left my lips and traveled down my neck.

My G*d, is this what it feels like to lose consciousness due to burning desire with your mate?

I love it…

“Gwen… Gwen… My mate.” He kept calling my name and laid me on the bed.

Breathlessly we looked at each other and he stroked my cheeks and lips lovingly.

“Thank you” He smiled before closing his eyes and when I saw his eyes open again I knew that it was Titus.

Titus smiled and gave me a light peck on the lips before hugging me tightly in bed.

It was hours later that I woke up, my hand spreading over the soft silk sheet as I stretched. I open my eyes struggling to see the darkness in the room yet aware of the presence of someone’s body beside me.

He is still here…

Waking me up, a pair of hands wrapped around my body again and pulled me closer. “You’re awake” comes his voice through the darkness, unmistakably belonging to Rolf Titus.

“You stay?” I said as I returned his hug and inhaled his signature manly scent from his chest.

He sighed “Lately it’s hard for me to stay away from you”

“Hmm..” Come my respond with a smile, happy to know he has that feeling.

He pressed a soft kiss to my forehead and let it stay there while we embraced each other in the silent room, uncared for the world, just us. “Today there will be a memorial event for our fallen people and warriors. Are you strong enough to stand for a long time and attend the event with me?” He shot a question and I looked up to find his eyes to nod.

It’s been more than 2 days since I woke up, yes, at first I was still very weak, but my condition has started to improve by now

Only my right hand still needs to be in a cast because I know healing broken bones takes longer.

As if he knew what I was thinking, Titus lifted my wounded right hand and kissed it as if he wanted to relieve the pain through the kiss.

“You’ll heal quickly if your wolf helps you and wake up” He said and I smiled.

I had been expecting her presence for a long time, but now knowing that I had my wolf asleep made me happy, because I thought I was just an ordinary human without a wolf.

“I’m glad to know she’s in my body, I guess I don’t even have her so maybe she’ll come at the right time” I crooned calmly and he looked into my eyes before nodding and then going back to placing his lips on my forehead.

My stomach lets out covers my cheeks as I hide deeper into Titus’ chest, a chuckle was heard coming from him and I feel his arms going under my curled knees picking me up into his strong arms.

“Let’s get you proper food shall we?” He said, grinning down at me and I stared back at him still too startled to speak, it was too early in the morning to order a maid for breakfast.

He started walking comfortably with me still in his arms as if I’m weightless, never letting me down to go for a walk myself.

“I can walk, Titus” I said as he opened the door and we got to the stair without saying anything.