Chapter: 1050
The Marquis still looked worried. He continued, “You looked so different when you had Theor. Could it possibly be a princess this time?”

“I don’t know.”

Astelle smiled lightly as she stroked her belly.

“I think it would be good to be a girl. Theor might be disappointed. He was very sure that he would have a little brother.”

Then the attendant announced the start of the wedding.

Theor came in first with a basket of flowers. After that, Fritz and Gretel walked together.

“What a beautiful sight.”

Gretel, standing next to Fritz in her white dress, was as beautiful as a flower.

“Yes. They two look good together.”

Astelle happily congratulated them on their marriage. But there was someone who couldn’t enjoy the event with a comfortable mind.

It was Kaizen.

He didn’t feel comfortable throughout the wedding.

It was because he had heard that Fritz had renovated the mansion for Gretel and built a glass greenhouse for her to grow herbs in.

Kaizen had no interest in the duke’s affairs, but hearing that kept bothering him.

Kaizen himself was expanding the palace for Astelle and the baby to be born, but looking at the two who built a relationship according to the standard and became a happy couple reminded him of his past.

He called his aide as soon as the wedding was over.

“Once you return to the imperial palace, call the Minister of Finance.”

The young aide looked puzzled but quickly lowered his head, trying not to offend the Emperor.

“……yes, Your Majesty.”


The fall of that year passed peacefully and quickly.

Immediately after the wedding, Gretel and Fritz went on a honeymoon to the western estate.

From the outside, it looked as if to show the estate, but in reality, it was Fritz’s consideration to let Gretel live quietly, avoiding the noisy attention of the capital.

After the two left, Astelle took time off the empress’ work according to custom and spent a peaceful time in the palace.

She spent her days leisurely and comfortably, eating and taking medicine every day, and undergoing medical examinations.