Chapter: 1063
Meanwhile, the other maids who had cleaned Astelle’s body and changed her clothes reported that she had regained consciousness.

Astelle, who finally opened her eyes, didn’t seem to notice that Kaizen had slammed the door in.

“You’ve had some bleeding, but there’s no big problem. Get some rest and you will recover.”

The midwife also said the birth process went smoothly.

In fact, the baby was born less than three hours after Astelle entered the delivery room.

Although each minute felt like an hour to Kaizen, who had no experience participating in a childbirth process.


“Your Majesty?”

Astelle looked up at him and blinked slowly.

“What about the baby?”

Kaizen showed her the baby he was holding in his arms and said, “She is a pretty princess.”

Seeing Astelle trying to sit up, Hannah by her side helped her by putting a pillow to support her back.

Despite barely lifting her upper body, Astelle held the baby effortlessly.

Smiling affectionately, she muttered, “It is a daughter. I expected it.”

Indescribable happiness filled Kaizen when he saw Astelle holding the baby and realized that the baby’s eyes, nose, and mouth are the same as Astelle’s.

“She looks just like you.”


Astelle smiled slightly and continued, “I wished he looked like Your Majesty. Of course except for your personality.”

Kaizen laughed but didn’t deny Astelle’s honest wish. Because he also agreed with her.

Then the baby lifted her eyelids little by little.

“Oh, I think she’s about to open her eyes.”

The baby opened her eyes slowly.

Only then did the two of them see the baby’s eyes for the first time.

The little baby, who has Astelle’s platinum blonde hair, has the same red eyes as Kaizen’s.
