Chapter: 122
“Still, I tried to meet and tell you.”

“What happened?”

Astelle’s pale green eyes were anxious.

“I think I have a fever.”


Astelle was surprised.

As soon as she found the spots on her wrist, she quickly ended the bath and returned to her room.

She dried Theor, put on his clothes, and Astelle herself was about to change her clothes.

Suddenly she heard a knock, so she opened the door and Kaizen stood in front of the door.

‘I thought it was a maid.’

She thought it was a maid and forgot that she was wearing an indoor gown and opened the door.

Kaizen was a little surprised, and looked across Astelle’s body.

The white gown wasn’t as thin as the bathrobe, but it wasn’t thick enough to completely cover her body.

Astelle quickly tightened her gown and pulled out a coat and put it on.

She talked about the most important thing first.

“I think I have a fever.”


Kaizen surprised at the word of fever.

His eyes trembled with shock.

“You have a fever…..? How bad is it?”

Because Kaizen was so astonished, Astelle was also amazed.

Was it so surprising?

‘I only said it was a fever, so I guess he thought it was a very contagious and fatal Innes fever.’

Astelle quickly added an explanation, “It is not a severe fever. It’s an ordinary fever. It is still in the early stages, so there is no fever and only spots have occurred.”

Astelle showed her wrist to Kaizen.