Chapter: 189
Unfortunately, Astelle couldn’t use all three freely while raising young Theor.

Kaizen just looked at Astelle without saying a word. He looked a bit dissatisfied but didn’t say anything more.

Astelle glanced back at Kaizen.

‘I have to get the emperor’s permission at the ball.’

If she begs in front of a lot of people, Kaizen will have no choice but to listen to her. Astelle thought.

When she returns home, she can live comfortably with her grandfather’s monthly pension.

It was when Astelle was looking around the flower bed while making such calculations.

She was walking around the opposite side of the flower bed, but she couldn’t see Theor.


Astelle called Theor and looked around.

But Theor was nowhere to be seen.

Thousands of flowers blooming high in the sky were planted on the flower bed.

Not only Theor, but also Blynn who came with him was nowhere to be seen.

“Theor? Where are you?”

Kaizen also looked around for Theor.


Astelle walked around the flower bed and called Theor.

She heard a rustling sound next to her.

The tall yellow flowers swayed like waves in the gentle breeze.

Astelle ran towards it.

The closely attached flower stalks rustled and moved, and a tiny head suddenly popped out from among the swaying petals.

It was Theor.


Theor jumped over the small flower bed and came out.

He was covered in yellow pollen all over.