Chapter: 287
“Your Majesty! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

As Astelle was walking towards Kaizen, the body of one of the assassins touched her feet.

Astelle, who unintentionally lowered her gaze, was terribly surprised.

‘This person…’

Even earlier when Astelle saw the assassin, she felt strangely familiar with him.

She knew this man. He was someone she encountered occasionally in the mansion since childhood.

Astelle had seen this man several times, enough to be able to recognize his identity just by looking at his half-masked face.

She doesn’t know his name, but she knows what he came to do.

He was one of the minions her father kept secretly by his side.

‘Why is this person here…’


Seeing Astelle’s pale face, Kaizen sat down, clutching his stabbed shoulder.


“Your Majesty!”

Astelle suddenly came to her senses and approached Kaizen who was sitting with his back against a tree.


He frowned in pain and groaned.

His wounded shoulder was drenched in blood.

Astelle knelt down next to him.

“Your Majesty, I will examine the wounds.”

She carefully unfolded the torn hem.

The wounds from the sword were deeply embedded in his hard shoulder, which was wrapped in muscles .

Blood gushed from the sharp cleavage.

‘It’s not wide, but it’s pierced deeply.’