Chapter: 290
When Astelle saw that, she felt bad.

It struck her heart that such a strong man had been badly hurt while protecting her.

‘Isn’t there any aftereffects?’

Astelle is not a doctor, so she doesn’t know.

She was worried about what would happen to him if he mistreats his shoulder by any chance.

It was then.

Footsteps were heard from the other side.

The two were nervous because they thought more assassins were coming, but familiar people appeared among the trees.

They were the knights of the emperor.

“Your Majesty! Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.”

Kaizen noticed Lyndon running, startled, he got up on his feet.

“Lady Astelle, are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine. I’m not hurt.”

Kaizen looked at the knights Lyndon had brought and asked,

“How did you know there was an attack?”

“I spotted smoke rising in the forest, and I rushed in because I thought something had happened. ”


“Yeah, over there…”

Lyndon pointed towards the smoke.

Astelle realized where he was pointing.

It was where Theor and her grandfather were.

She was startled and rushed to the place frantically.

She heard Lyndon shouting from behind, but she ran along the forest path without looking back.
