Chapter: 357
Annoyed, Kaizen drank only the cool iced tea.

Astelle ate the strawberry cake, carefully cut with a fork.

Kaizen took a piece of the tart.

It was a colorful tart topped with various fruits.

He ate one piece, and it was sour and tasteless.

His bad mood is getting worse.

On the other side, Astelle was still eating the cake very carefully lest she would smear the cake on her dress.

It was not eating cake, but a polite gesture as if holding a ritual. Kaizen thought.

Pointing to the sour tart, Kaizen said, “Astelle, you should try this too.”

It doesn’t taste good, so you should try it too.

What a stupid act.

Astelle, whose cheeks were flushed red, didn’t know Kaizen’s inner feelings.

She seemed to think that Kaizen took care of her.

Astelle obediently took a piece of tart to her plate.

But she put it down on the plate and didn’t eat it, she just watched carefully.

“What are you doing?”

Astelle raised her head in surprise.

“I was checking what fruit was in it.”


Kaizen looked at the tart belatedly.

It was just a colorful tart by adding all kinds of fruits.

There were peeled grapes, apples, and plums.

He doesn’t know what it is, but it seemed that the small pieces of fruit were mixed inside as well.

Astelle bit her lower lip slightly.

It seemed awkward to say, but Kaizen had no intention of being considerate of Astelle.