Chapter: 43
Of course, it is unlikely that there will be formal robes for young children.

Theor hugged the fluffy teddy bear and looked up at Astelle.

“Can I take Levin?”

“Yes, you should put it next to you when you eat.”

Theor seemed to be nervous and scared, so he brought the teddy bear.

A doll made of old cloth was placed on an empty chair next to the child.

The emperor didn’t really say anything special.

The four adults who sat down, Kaizen and Astelle, Vellian and Marianne, ate only the food that came out in order.

There was a conversation about a few words of clothes on the table, but Astelle didn’t participate.

“It is very delicious.”

Marianne sitting on the other side admired the taste of the food.

The venison served as the main dish was very soft.

It was soft even though there was no grease at all.

The savory raspberry sauce sprinkled on the grilled meat added flavor.

The light taste of the meat was mixed with a sweet sauce with a rich taste.

With every bite, delicious venison was wrapped around the tip of the tongue with savory juice.

Astelle helped Theor get his food.

Fortunately, Theor sat quietly and ate his own food quietly.

“I remember last year’s hunting competition. It was the best hunting competition ever. I’ve got a tribute of more than a hundred deer. At that time, I was chosen as the queen of autumn.”

In the hunting contest every fall, the queen of autumn is selected from the unmarried lady as the last event.

It could be said that it was the biggest social event in autumn.

Marianne, who was proud of herself, glanced at Astelle.

“You don’t know because you’re not in the capital. You were in the eastern countryside, huh?”

“Yes, it was at the east end.”

“I’m sorry for you who not seeing the hunting competitions. Such a great festival would be hard to see, but I always liked the hunting competitions. It was really fun.”