Chapter: 438
But after that, he opened the closet door while hugging Theory.

“Theor, stay here.”

The closet door closed with those words.

Suddenly, he was in a dark closet.

Theor was sitting on top of his layered robe.

Thin light permeated through the closet door gap.

‘What happened?’

Rubbing his sleepy eyes, he peered through the closet door.

The candle-lighted room was quiet.

His grandfather was nowhere to be seen.

As Theor looked through the gap of the closet door with sleepy eyes, the silence in the room quickly broke.


A scream was heard.

Starting with the scream, there was a commotion in the room.

The sound of knives crashing, the scream of someone in pain, even the eerie sound of cutting something.

Young Theor could not comprehend the situation.

What’s going on?

Why did other people come into our room?

Where is Grandpa?

He could see people moving in the dark.

He looked through the gap in the closet door but had no idea what was going on.

He could only guess that people were fighting.

At that moment, something fell right under the closet where Theor was, shaking the closet greatly.

“Aa- eup!”

Surprised, Theor almost screamed, but he hastily covered his mouth with his hands.