Chapter: 458
‘Young Master Theor is Princess Astelle’s son.’

Lyndon was also shocked to hear about it.

It was unimaginable for him.

But he soon developed sympathy for Astelle.

The poor princess had lost everything and struggled to raise her child alone.

That sad reality aroused pity rather than contempt.

Besides, seeing Theor’s existence being ridiculed by people now makes Astelle look even more pitiful.

He wanted to quickly find Theor and return him to Astelle’s arms.

“Oh, it is you.”

Lyndon met Astelle’s father, the Duke of Reston in the drawing-room.

Lyndon also hated this middle-aged great aristocrat.

The Duke smiled gladly to see him and asked,

“What did you come to my mansion for?”

“I’m here to pick up Young Master Theor.”


The Duke had a puzzled expression on his face as if he was hearing the name for the first time.

But Lyndon was not deceived by him.

“I know it was the Duke’s work. There is also evidence.”

“I didn’t know there were so many people interested in me.”

Lyndon stepped closer to him and gave him a threatening look.

“Kidnapping is a felony.”

The duke answered slowly,

“Are you saying it was wrong for a grandfather to bring his only grandson?”

“Even though you’re his grandfather, attacking his guardian and taking him away is kidnapping.”

Lyndon continued, “His Majesty the Emperor has ordered you to return Young Master Theor. Where is he now?”