Chapter: 560
Kaizen was used to chess, but Astelle had just learned it, so her skills were poor.

She lost to Kaizen every time.

Kaizen looked at the chessboard and said, “I’ve let you win a few times in case you’re too disappointed.”

“I knew.”

Kaizen raised his head at Astelle’s calm reply.

“I knew that Your Majesty deliberately lost for me,” she said.

She didn’t find out on her own, but because her brother Fritz told her.

After watching the two of them play, he said, “His Highness lost the game for you.”

It seemed that Fritz, who was older than the two of them, could see it clearly.

At that time, Astelle was moved by Kaizen’s consideration.

‘After all, the Crown Prince is a kind person.’

She thought so.

A few years later, Astelle became proficient at the game of chess and was able to beat Kaizen.

But she never once beat Kaizen.

Because she purposely lost to Kaizen, who hates losing.

“Did you lose on purpose too?”

Kaizen couldn’t believe it.

“Yes, I did.”

“I never imagined it.”

He seems to have never guessed that Astelle was better than him.

But she wasn’t offended.

He raised a glass of wine and made a strange proposal.

“Well, let’s do it properly this time.”

Sipping some cold wine in the glass, Astelle replied, “Okay.”

After that, the two focused on the game without saying a word.