Chapter: 59
“Sir Lyndon, please bring out this maid.”

As Lyndon opened the door, the maid fell down on the floor and begged.

“Oh, no…… let me tell you, I’ll tell you……!”

The maid who begged on her knees belatedly raised her head and confessed.

Astelle had already guessed the name that came out of the maid’s mouth.

“……Lady Marianne ordered me.”

Lyndon called another knight and dragged the maid away.

They will find out the details of the situation on their own.

Astelle took Theor, which she had left in the greenhouse, then washed him and changed his clothes.

Before entering the warm water, Theor came with a teddy bear.

“Can Levin take a bath too?”

She tried to say no, but Astelle just nodded at seeing the kinky brown bear doll.

“Yes, let’s wash it…… for this time.”

Theor, who knows nothing about what happened, played with the old teddy bear in the bathtub.

After the bath was finished, she took the child to the bedroom and put the potion in his eyes.

The emperor’s servant came to pick up Astelle.

“Lady Astelle, His Majesty is looking for you.”

Astelle left Theor to the rest of the maids and went outside.

As she closed the door and exited the hallway, the chilly chill of the late afternoon touched her.

This castle was old-fashioned, but it was antique and beautiful.

In the corridor, walls made of gray bricks were neatly arranged, and tapestries woven with gold thread were hung in several places.

Astelle walked the hallway of the castle leading to the emperor’s office.

There was still a light rain striking the window.

When will this rain be over?

When Astelle arrived at the emperor’s office, the knight who was guarding the door opened the door.