Chapter: 62
In the medicine box Astelle carries, there weren’t just such ordinary medicines.

Even though they looked like ordinary medicines, there was a medicine that mixed with ingredients that changed the color of the eyes.

But Astelle’s claim that children need all sorts of medicines sounded plausible enough.

“I think my nanny did the same. Children are often sick.”

Vellian, who only listened quietly, sided with Astelle.

“By the way……”

Astelle, who stopped talking for a moment, made a cold expression.

Marianne was amazed momentarily by her cold light green eyes.

“Lady Marianne had already looked at my medicine box, so why did you keep asking me to check the medicine box again?”

Hearing those words, the inside of the office fell silent.

Marianne stuttered with a pale face, “What, what are you talking about?”

Astelle watched Marianne carefully.

There was no desire to become enemies of this Croychen young lady.

But now it was unavoidable.

She couldn’t let a person, who had put suspicions on her stay around her.

In the situation of hiding secrets that should never be caught, people who try to monitor people were the most dangerous.

“If you had opened the medicine box, you would have checked all my other luggage. You must have known enough that none of the items I brought were suspicious. Why did you keep the medicine box open? And why did you keep asking me to check the medicine box?”

“That, that’s……”

Marianne stuttered at Astelle’s question, and she bit her lip for an excuse.

Marianne proved that she had nothing suspicious of Astelle.

She didn’t seem to be able to think of it that far.

“Lady Marianne wasn’t trying to check my medicine box if there was anything suspicious in it, but weren’t you’re trying to mix the suspicious medicine into it?” Astelle asked calmly.

“That’s why you ordered the maid to carefully observe which medicines I use the most and the least.”

It was a common technique.

Putting poison or a fake secret letter in the least used item among the opponent’s items.