Chapter: 658
Florin understood the situation.

Naen had the poison and was caught by the empress.

The frightened Naen confessed not only about the meaning of the code but also about the maid she had sent to the empress’ palace.

Florin gave her a sharp gaze.

‘I can’t believe you confessed everything. Are you out of your mind?’

Naen shuddered and bowed her head, avoiding Florin’s gaze.

‘It’s my fault for trusting such an idiot.’

I shouldn’t have done this either.

Again, she was overwhelmed with the regret that came late. But now there was no turning back time.

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know?”

“There is no evidence that I was involved, is there?”

“The maid who brought the poison was hiding the money and jewels from the Croychen family. She also remembers the maid she met when she went to get the poison. We will take the maid and interrogate her, and we will find out.”


Florin gritted her teeth as she listened to Astelle.

There is no way for a maid to sacrifice her life to keep her loyalty.

Interrogating the maid would make it undeniable that she was the one who sent the poison.

“Can I see what kind of poison it is?”


The emperor looked at Florin as if he heard something ridiculous.

The same was true of the officials around him.

“By looking at what kind of poison it is, I can tell if it is from my family or not.”

Kaizen snorted as if she was talking nonsense.

But Astelle agreed with Florin.

“It makes sense.”