Chapter: 672
When he was playing in the garden and saw Kaizen, he rushed over here.

Theor opened the greenhouse door and walked in.


When Theor’s appearance cut off the conversation between the two, Kaizen didn’t waste the opportunity.

“Shall we practice swordsmanship before dinner?”

“Sounds good!”

Kaizen avoided Astelle’s gaze and went outside with Theor.

‘What’s wrong with him…..?’

She was dumbfounded and sighed.

In the garden seen through the window, Kaizen and Theor were practicing with a wooden sword.

It was more like play than practice, but if it wasn’t now, there would be no time for the two of them to play, so Astelle didn’t want to interfere.

As she was about to go back into the palace, Hannah came into the greenhouse.

“Your Majesty.”

“Hannah? What’s going on?”

Hannah told her the news from the Reston mansion with a happy expression.

“Young Master Fritz will be back soon.”


Seibel was leaving the palace with Vellian.

After passing through the garden and leaving the palace entrance completely, he stopped at a quiet place.



Vellian stopped and looked at him.

Seibel stood there with a worried expression on his face.

“I think His Majesty the Emperor hates me.”

“What do you mean?”