Chapter: 705
Astelle made eye contact with Kaizen while helping Theor eat the soup.

“You must be tired, so don’t work today and take a rest.”

At Kaizen’s friendly voice, Astelle smiled softly.

“Your Majesty is more tired than I am.”

Astelle herself is tired from not getting enough sleep, but it’s nothing compared to Kaizen.

He must have struggled with the emperor’s work, but he couldn’t sleep the whole night.

He must be really tired.

“I’m okay. I’m worried about you.”

Theor, who was eating soup while listening to their conversation, asked with an innocent face.

“Can’t both of you rest today?”

At Theor’s innocent question, Astelle and Kaizen burst into laughter at the same time.

“It’s going to be a little difficult. Instead, I will finish work early today.”

Kaizen said, stroking Theor’s messy hair.

There’s a warm atmosphere between the three of them after a long time.

After Kaizen went back, Astelle prepared to start the day.

With the help of the maids, she took a bath and changed clothes.

“Your Majesty, please take a rest today. You haven’t slept a wink last night……”

Hannah looked at Astelle worriedly and advised her to rest.

“I’m fine. You didn’t sleep all night either.”


“Today, I will only do what I have to do and rest.”

Hannah sighed, still worried.

“Don’t overdo it.”

Even if she wants to rest, she can’t.

Before she started work in the morning, a visitor came.