Chapter: 846
So it looks like he’s trying to change his attitude and stick with the Duke of Reston.

I heard that now the emperor is in critical condition.

I don’t know how it came about, but when the emperor dies, the young prince will ascend to the throne.

‘The Duke of Reston wants to convince the new nobles to make his grandson the emperor without any trouble.’

Although expelled from the capital, the Marquis Croychen was the head of the new nobles. He still has some influence over them.

The interests of the two coincided, and this odd meeting was created.

As she speculated, the Duke brought up the subject.

“The Marquis, please convince the other ministers who are still stubborn.”

“Don’t worry too much. They won’t have any other choice either.”

Florin listened to their conversation without a word. But there was still something she didn’t understand.

Why did Florin herself and Marianne come to this place?

“The Marquis has really beautiful daughters.”

“They cannot be compared to the majesty of the beautiful and wise Empress.”

Until a few months ago, they were enemies. Now the two exchanged compliments with humility seemed like old friends.

Marquis Croychen set down the half-empty wine glass and turned to the Duke.

“So which one do you like?”

Hearing her father’s question, Marianne, who was just eating blankly, stopped her hand. On the other hand, Florin’s whole body became cold.

The Duke looked at the two of them and smiled slightly.

“They are really beautiful ladies. I’m a little worried because your daughters are too young.”

“What do you mean? Marianne and the new Duke aren’t even ten years apart.”

For a moment, the smile on the duke’s face disappeared.

“Yeah, but she’s a little too young for me.”

“… … sorry?”

This time, it was the Marquis’ turn to harden his face. The Marquis just blinked his eyes, confused.

“I, I thought you were talking about your son…….”