Chapter: 915
It’s only been a week since he returned to the Reston mansion after deliberately avoiding his father and staying in his official residence.

Fritz heard the news of his father this morning.

Astelle seemed relieved by her father’s death, but Fritz was different. He felt relieved, but at the same time, he still felt guilty.

When he arrived at the Reston mansion, everyone came out to greet him. Fritz gave brief instructions to the servants and entered the study.

The old butler, who had been in charge of the mansion since his father’s generation, followed him.

“There are many requests to attend the late duke’s funeral.”


It was a little surprising that so many people wanted to come to his father’s funeral.

Since it was a funeral for the previous duke, it was reasonable to hold it grandly.

But now, the situation in the capital is complicated, and his father’s death has also implicitly aroused public suspicion.

Most of the people who were close to his father were taken to the imperial palace and interrogated.

There can’t be many people who want to condolences in such a situation.

When Fritz looked at him with an incomprehensible expression, the old butler added an explanation hesitantly. “Most of them want to attend with their families.”


“Well, most of them want to come with Lady…….”


Only then did Fritz understand the situation.

Fritz himself succeeded the duke, but he is still not married.

Until now, there was no hostess, so social gatherings were rarely held here.

Fritz himself was so engrossed in his work that he never went to any other social gatherings.

So, it seems that some nobles would like to visit the new duke and introduce his daughter under the pretext of condolences.

“How should I deal with it, duke?”

“Choose only those who are close to the Reston family and invite them in moderation,” Fritz replied coldly.

This is indeed such a world, but isn’t that too much?

“There is a gift sent to you from Latex, duke.”