Chapter: 96
Because Astelle is the only one Kaizen has to take to the capital.

He wouldn’t need to take Theor, who is only five years old, and her grandfather who wasn’t feeling well.

He wouldn’t even have to.

“If you allow me, can I take Theor and go to Dentsu Castle, where my grandfather is?”

Astelle wiped her tears and looked up at Kaizen earnestly.

“I want to take care of my grandfather myself. When my grandfather sees Theor, he will be a little bit energized.”

Vellian listened to Astelle’s request and turned to Kaizen.

He thought, of course, the emperor would allow it.

Dentsu is the road to the capital anyway.

After a while, the emperor and his party will also go through there on the way to the capital.

And this former empress wasn’t even held here as a prisoner, rather help His Majesty the Emperor.

Even though the emperor was sorry, he had to accept all her requests.

The old marquis was not in good shape, so it was not difficult to send his granddaughter there first.

‘Anyway, Lady Astelle has no way to run away either.’

Even if he sent her first, she would not run away because Astelle would not be alone, but would go with the knights.

There was no reason to refuse her request.

Vellian thought of course Kaizen would grant Astelle’s request.

But when Kaizen opened his mouth, he was just as surprised as Astelle.

“No, I can’t.”

Kaizen rejected her firmly.

And he made a completely unexpected offer to the two who looked at him in amazement.

“We all move together, as you say, as soon as possible, we’ll be able to get there within 3 or 4 days.”


It was a kind suggestion, but in Astelle’s point of view, it was like she had been struck by lightning.

Astelle quickly wiped her tears and refused, “You’re finally hunting after a long time, but I can’t bother you with a matter like this. If you give me a carriage, I will take the child first—”