Chapter: 987
“I just can’t sleep. Nothing happened.”

He walked down the hallway to get some fresh air.

Theor went to bed early after having dinner with Hannah.

Everyone also seems to be asleep. Since it’s a small castle, everyone’s rooms are close together.

But when Kaizen reached the end of the hallway, he saw lights twinkling on the terrace overlooking the lake.

Kaizen opened the glass door and stepped out onto the terrace. There, the Marquis and Fritz were sitting together.

The two found him and got up from their seats.

“Your Majesty.”

“What are you two doing in here?”

“We couldn’t sleep, so we got some fresh air.”

This is the terrace in the middle of the third floor. The entire lake is visible from here.

With a light night breeze cooling the summer heat, the night view of the lake under the white moonlight looks like a painting.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to join.”

Kaizen saw the two sitting without a glass of water and gestured to the attendant.

“Bring something to drink.”

The attendant quickly brought them a bottle of chilled white wine and light desserts.

Marquis and Fritz didn’t look very pleased, but Kaizen still poured them drinks.

Kaizen knows that the two of them don’t really like him.

Even though Fritz is polite to him, he always keeps his distance.

Is it because of the dead duke? I can’t help it.

Kaizen has no regrets about killing the duke and has no intention of making excuses.

But if it’s because of Astelle and not the duke…… he wanted to make excuses somehow, but he had none.

Unlike Fritz, the Marquis clearly hates him undeniably because of Astelle.

Even though they were sitting together over a glass of wine, there was silence on the terrace.

“What were you talking about?”