Chapter: 1616
Norah mused silently about the myriad secrets she held and chose to keep them tucked away, known only to herself.

Alyssa pressed, "When are you thinking of getting married, Norah?"

Susanna and Joanna immediately perked up with their eyes fixed on Norah with anticipation.

They were all eager to hear her answer to that question.

The: question was a familiar one, and Norah offered a slight smile in response.

It seemed everyone was curious to know when she and Sean would get married.

Norah had decided to wait for Sean to initiate the conversation. She was equally curious about when he would propose the idea.

"I've always said it's his call," she replied, then playfully splashed the water with her arm, sending droplets flying through the air.

"Ah, Norah, look what you've done. My hair is all wet now!" "T need to teach you a lesson for that, Norah!" "Watch out, Susanna, I'm coming for you."

The four of them began a spirited water fight in the hot spring and their laughter and cheerful yells echoed around them.

In the next pool, four men were enjoying a bath. Their muscles were prominently displayed as they dipped into the water, having taken off their clothes before entering.

Phillip listened intently to the noises and said, "That's got to be Susanna; she's always the Loudest."

Duncan added with a grin, "I can make out Joanna's Laughter too. Bryson paused briefly and noted, "And there's Alyssa..."

Sean looked over at them with a knowing smile. "Alright, guys, I get it, you all miss your girls. We're just here for a relaxing bath; they'll be right over when we're done."

Phillip spun on his heel, rolling his eyes at Sean as he remembered the days when Sean and Norah were an item. He had always felt like the unwanted extra in their little duo.

And he had definitely had his fill of their public displays of affection!

Sean used to concoct elaborate gestures to impress, and Phillip couldn't help but wonder how Norah had taken it. His curiosity was genuinely piqued.

Sean paused for a moment, his eyes briefly closed, then he spoke in a soft tone. "Before we head out, I could use your help."

They had just wrapped up discussing tomorrow's plans, with everyone committing to lend a hand.

"Don't worry, we're all dependable," Duncan declared, thumping his chest. Given his rough and rugged look, it was hard to picture him in such sentimental scenes.

However, Sean had no intention of scrambling to find help at the last minute. A few close friends were all he needed.

He had been planning this scene meticulously for quite some time, and it was finally ready to unfold.

He had mulled over the timing, deciding that after a fun- filled day would make the moment even more striking.

Soaking in the hot springs was relaxing, and their conversation was enjoyable, but lingering too long wasn't an option. Once the staff member at the entrance came to notify them, all, men and women alike, were dressed and primed to leave.