Chapter: 1146
Nikolas was somewhat puzzled by Jayson's words but understood the implication of “they're finished."

"If you think they're done, then go after her yourself. I won't stop you. If Bethany agrees, I'll hold my peace. But if you're asking me to betray my friend, I'm sorry, that's something I cannot do."

He resolved to find another strategy to convince Aimee's parents and get through this tough period.

As Nikolas walked away, Jayson called out to him, "We all want to spend our lives with the ones we love. I do too. Is that so wrong?"

Nikolas sighed. "I have no other option. There's only one Bethany in this world. It's either you or Jonathan who will end up alone, and I'd rather it be you."

Nikolas wouldn't dream of separating Jonathan and Bethany.

Was he looking for trouble?

After leaving the restaurant, Bethany turned down Jayson's offer for a ride.

Given that night had fallen, it wouldn't look right for them to be seen together, just the two of them.

Bethany didn't know if Jonathan was keeping an eye on her.

“Let us take you home! Nikolas, could you drive Bethany back to her apartment?" Aimee, concerned for her friend's safety, gave Nikolas a meaningful glance.

Nikolas quickly agreed, "Absolutely! It's on my way.”

In Gregger, what wasn't on the way? And even if it were not, he would find a plane to get there.

“Okay, I'll be off then." Jayson said goodbye and left with his car keys, without insisting the matter further.

Once he was gone, Aimee approached Bethany and whispered, “What's happening between you and my cousin?"

"I'm not sure." Bethany hadn't listened in on their discussion but had picked up on Jayson's strange behavior afterward.

Aimee then turned to Nikolas. "What were you two discussing?"

"Uh.. just making conversation." With Bethany still there, Nikolas kept his response incomplete.

"What could possibly be so important that my cousin needed to talk to you about?" Aimee asked with a frown, pulling at his sleeve. “Did he agree to help us?"

Nikolas shook his head. "No, he didn't."

"What were his demands that you couldn't meet?"

"Because I'm afraid of dying," he answered.

Bethany noticed Nikolas' hesitation to discuss this in front of her, so she took Aimee aside. "I have to work early tomorrow. Let's head out so I can get some sleep. You can ask him more about it later."
