Chapter: 1149
She lay back for a moment, then got up and turned on her computer, ready to work on her project.
The due diligence team had sent over the day's findings, which were quite comprehensive. Bethany organized the information and made a group announcement.
After wrapping up, she glanced at the clock and saw it was nearly midnight.
Bethany quickly washed up and went to bed, checking her phone one last time. Jonathan had sent her a few new videos of the kids.
He must have just taken them.
She watched the videos and slid her phone under her pillow.
Sometimes, Bethany found that keeping this level of communication with Jonathan wasn't so bad.
But the premise was clear: Jonathan had to be single.
Should he have a girlfriend or fiancee, Bethany would not contact him again.
That night, Bethany's sleep was filled with dreams.
She found herself back in her childhood, where her mother clung to her, tears streaming down her face. Her mother vowed that Bethany would never repeat her mistakes, all while cursing Andrew as a heartless man and wishing him a miserable fate.
Next, she dreamed of seeking out Jonathan, only to see him holding hands with another girl, their closeness undeniable.
The girl's face was a blur, but Bethany assumed anyone Jonathan favored must be stunning. Suddenly, the girl turned and walked towards her.
As the girl's face came into focus, it was Samira!
Bethany jolted awake, sitting up abruptly in bed.
It took a while for her racing heart to settle.
What a string of bizarre dreams!
Bethany glanced at her phone, its display flashing at five o'clock-more than two hours before she needed to be at work.
Unable to drift back to sleep, she swung her legs out of bed and shuffled to the bathroom. A brisk shower and a splash of cold water later, she began working steadily on her computer.
After all, the work wouldn't do itself.
Logging into the Bates Group's system, Bethany instinctively checked the conference channel. To her surprise, Jonathan's face popped up on a video call.
Don't this guy ever take a break?
She chose not to join the meeting, quietly signing out. Her attention was soon caught by a red dot flashing at the bottom of her screen.
Jonathan, the CEO, had sent a message. "Awake so early. Feeling under the weather?"