Chapter: 1172
"Of course not! You asked Mr. Bates not to send any!"

Rendered speechless, Bethany furrowed her brows, her gaze lingering on the large bouquet of roses. "Wait, I'm confused. Why did Jonathan cancel his medical treatment?"

Was there a link between the two?

Surely, Jonathan wasn't leveraging his illness to garner sympathy from her?

That didn't seem right. If that were his intention, he wouldn't have concealed his illness from her initially.

"He's overloaded his schedule, forsaking his treatments to attend meetings!"

Was he using work as a diversion?

Sensing her confusion, Brody clarified bluntly, “Don't you see? Mr. Bates is trying to wrap up his duties in Ferindel quickly. He's eager to return home!"

Bethany found the notion far-fetched. “Brody, you might be reading too much into this."

Jonathan's early return surely had nothing to do with her.

“Then why do you think he's hurrying?"

“How should I know?"

Brody sighed on the other end. “Forget it, this conversation is going nowhere! Can you urge Mr. Bates to continue his treatments? There's only two days left. It'll only worsen if he returns home in poor health!"

"I'll speak to him."

After ending the call, Bethany texted Jonathan.

"You're skipping your treatments again."

When he didn't reply, she figured he was preoccupied.

As she gazed down at the bouquet by her feet, the roses suddenly lost their charm.

She was pondering who could have sent them when her phone rang.

Believing it was Jonathan, she answered without looking at the caller ID.

“Jonathan, can't you take better care of yourself?"

"Bethany, it's me."

"Uh, Jayson?" Bethany glanced at the caller ID and confirmed it was indeed Jayson.

"Yeah," Jayson replied, seemingly oblivious to her initial remark, and smiled warmly. "Did you receive the flowers I sent?"