Chapter: 1184
"Jonathan? Oh, right, Jonathan is here." Bethany's tone shifted to a giggle, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. “He always shows up when I need him."

Frustrated by her drunken state, he quickened his pace to carry her out.

Knowing the weekend was near and that Bethany would want to see the kids, he hesitated briefly before deciding to take her to East Shade Bay.

The venue offered plenty of rooms, and he just needed to maintain a respectful distance.

Moreover, he felt uneasy about leaving her alone in Aimee's small apartment; he would end up staying to ensure she was safe.

Upon their arrival at East Shade Bay, Rowan was the first to notice them.

“Huh? What's wrong with Mommy?"

"Is Mommy asleep?" Nola joined in.

"She's just had a few drinks. Let's not disturb her now. She'll spend time with you both tomorrow when she's sober, okay?"

Nola and Rowan nodded, each flashing an "OK" hand sign.

Jonathan initially headed towards the master bedroom with Bethany in his arms but paused at the doorway. Changing his mind, he gently laid her down in the guest room instead.

The guest room was smaller than the master bedroom, but was well-equipped, despite never having been used.

Jonathan preferred solitude and rarely had overnight guests. Even Nikolas wasn't allowed to stay the night, leaving the room pristine and untouched.

"I'll get you some hangover medicine. Are you feeling unwell?" He noticed Bethany's furrowed brow and tenderly smoothed it with his hand.

Bethany shook her head, her state of awareness uncertain.

"Do you feel like you might vomit?"

She shook her head again.

Jonathan exhaled deeply and called Brody to bring some hangover medicine, concerned she might feel worse later.


After ending the call, he turned to see Bethany reaching out into the air.

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Jonathan.. Do you miss me?"

Jonathan knew Bethany was drunk; otherwise, she wouldn't have said such things. Nevertheless, he returned to her side and held her hand.

"You should ask when I don't miss you."