Chapter: 2083
He didn't want old resentments to persist.

“This apology might seem superficial and useless, but it's all I can offer. I can't undo the past. Besides saying I'm sorry, I'm not sure what else I can do." He looked distressed. "Or, if it would mean anything to you, I could visit your mother's grave and apologize there."

Bethany shook her head. "No, that never crossed my mind."

“Given everything that has happened, trust me, if Jonathan doesn't ask, I won't intrude into your lives. And if one day I pass away, as my daughter-in-law, feel no obligation to attend my funeral. I won't take offense. These are the consequences his mother and I must accept."

“You mentioned earlier you plan to leave the country after the wedding because of all this?" Bethany asked.
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