Chapter: 677

"Jonathan, don't you think that was rather sneaky? You saw me alone in the hotel, so you-"

Jonathan cut in, "Hold on! It wasn't me who started it. Remember, you initiated it."

"No way!" Typically, when she drank too much, she just fell asleep.

She was no stranger to alcohol, so how could she possibly have initiated anything with a man?

"The folks at OwLimited Company tampered with your drink, making you unusually bold that night..." Jonathan trailed off, a slow smile playing across his features as he narrowed his eyes. “I've never seen you that enthusiastic."

Bethany was at a loss for words.

"True, I did let you take the lead intentionally that evening."

He still wanted more. Even after she tried to dismiss him, he drew her back in for more.

Bethany's mind was reeling. She couldn't piece together the events of that night!

And Jonathan said Owlimited Company had spiked her drink. What might have occurred if he hadn't been there to protect her?

"Those bite marks... Were they all caused by me?"

"Yes," Jonathan affirmed with a nod. “You kept pleading with me to take it easy, but I just couldn't, so you bit me."

“Stop, that's enough!"

Bethany's cheeks burned.

The details were overwhelming!

"It's still not enough, nowhere near enough! You even complimented my physique, told me I was incredible, praised my endurance and strength!"

Jonathan said.

Those were words she'd never utter while sober, yet that night, she had spilled them all.

Bethany couldn't muster the courage to keep listening, nor did she want to discover what came next.

“Um... Jonathan, I'm exhausted. Could you arrange for someone to take me to my room?"

Jonathan's face fell. “Didn't you promise to stay here with me tonight?"

"No, no, I really need to leave. I'll be back tomorrow!"

She was desperate for some time to sort through her feelings.