Chapter: 956
She counted the days and realized they were running short. Unless Aimee's engagement happened soon, they were going to face issues...

Jonathan, noticing her concerned expression, chose to smile rather than panic as he might normally.

“Bethany, pursue your justice without hesitation. I'll handle everything that comes after. Don't worry, I prefer your smiling face."

Jonathan guessed she was anxious about securing evidence and worried that his mother might again shield Maddie, obstructing her efforts to find the truth.


"I will provide everything you need."

He twirled her hair around his fingers repeatedly, in a lingering, suggestive manner.

Bethany scowled. "Did you interfere in the investigation of my mother?"

"Yes, I obtained the death certificate, and it lists a sudden heart attack as the cause of death."

"Someone must have said something to irritate her."

Grasping her suddenly chilled hand to warm it, Jonathan asked, “Bethany, do you trust me?"

Jonathan's eyes were so earnest that Bethany's heart skipped a beat.


"Yes, I'm here."

“Your mother—"

"Don't worry about her." Jonathan didn't give her the chance to finish that sentence. “Both of my parents have always been arrogant, and neither can stand the idea of being contradicted. Don't bother worrying about what they'll say or do. I can't control the way my parents think, but I know what I want, and they can't control me either."

He simply didn't care about what his parents had to say about his decisions.

He couldn't control what they said to him, but he could always choose to ignore it.

Bethany parted her lips, but no words came out.

She stared deeply into Jonathan's eyes for a long time before asking, "Is this the first time you've gone against your parents? Is that why they're so shocked?"

"Not exactly." Jonathan slipped his arms around her waist and pulled her close. "My mother went through some tough times, and she never really recovered. She ended up developing some mental health problems, as well as a heart disease. Over the years, if what they said made sense to me, I'd listen. But if I thought they were wrong, I wouldn't argue, but I wouldn't do what they wanted either."

“Your parents must love you very much."

“I know," Jonathan admitted.

As their only son, he was cherished by his parents.