Chapter: 989
“Even if you refuse to acknowledge her, it doesn't change the fact that she's your daughter. Nikolas, I intend to bind you to me for life and keep you away from that woman."

"Siena, do you see me as a patient man?"

As Nikolas stepped closer to Siena, his gaze grew colder.

"What are you planning?”

"Stop overstepping. If Aimee ever leaves me, I can't predict what I'll do. Maybe make you and the child vanish."

Siena trembled, her skin prickling with goose bumps.

"You would forsake your own daughter over a woman?"

"A mother who chases a man as you do can't raise a decent child. I don't care."

“Nikolas, you've lost your mind!"

With a sneer, Nikolas straightened and adjusted his suit sleeves.

“I'll let you know when to schedule the DNA test. Don't try any tricks. Think carefully. If this comes out, we both suffer. But while I might lose a fiancée, you stand to lose much more."

For a moment, Siena was at a loss for words.

"If the test confirms she's mine, hand her over. I'll compensate you financially, and you'll leave Odonset for good." Nikolas paused. "If not..."

Then he wouldn't show any mercy.

How could he forgive someone who had deceived him?

"She is your daughter. I've never been with another man. You could kill me, but that won't change the truth. I just didn't expect you to be so ruthless. I thought for the sake of our child, you might treat me better. Instead, you want to take her away."

“Take her away?" He chuckled. “Wasn't it you who approached me first? Don't assume I want her to join the Bennett family. She's an illegitimate child; she doesn't belong. My only aim is not to be manipulated."

Siena dreaded thinking about what might happen to her daughter if taken away.

"Your fiancée is not kind-hearted. She won't treat my daughter well."

"You're focusing on the wrong issues." Nikolas inhaled sharply and looked down at Siena. "Consider this: What if all your family's chain hotels went bankrupt overnight? Just because you took my child, what would the Todd family owe?"

“This isn't about my parents. They don't even know she exists."

"Then don't provoke Aimee. If she leaves me, I'll ensure the entire Todd family pays the price."

Nikolas was known for his impulsive nature. Fearless and unrestrained, not even his parents could rein him in.

Only Aimee seemed to have a real influence on him. Losing her was not an option.