Chapter: 11
“Stop being lazy and start training, recruit.”

The voice was blunt and to-the-point.

Jay shivered and immediately looked away from the trainer, hopefully breaking ‘mind-contact’ or whatever that spell was. He took three steps forward, pretending to listen to the voice’s instructions as he considered where he should go.

He had to think fast so as to not look suspicious.

Desperately wanting to go to the mana craft area, he knew he would not be able to demonstrate his skills, which were grotesque to say the least; not to mention they would get him into trouble or even killed.

Jay went with his original plan and decided to join the melee training, as even a simpleton could do push ups, and he has been cutting up meat since he was a kid, so he was good enough with a knife.

As he walked away from the main building, he felt a pair of eyes as sharp as daggers staring straight at his back from the building behind him. He felt a cold sweat as the tangible pressure mounted on him. Deciding not to turn around, he resolutely made his way to the melee area.

As he went to grab a wooden short-sword, his hand was rudely slapped away.

“Just what do you think you’re doing? This has to be EARNED” A snooty voice resounded with vitriol in Jay’s face.

“Uh I’m here for training..?”

“You have to EARN it” he said with a sneer “You can’t just start with a wooden sword, you don’t deserve it yet.”

Jay realised this was the same prick in the carriage who smiled gleefully as he tumbled down the hill into the mud.

The exact same little shit who smirked at him as he fell.

Knowing he couldn’t smack someone who was a rich noble brat, Jay simply clenched his jaw as he death-stared at the melee trainer, letting his rage out a little.

The melee trainer had heightened senses compared to most, and immediately responded as he sensed the passive threat level rising.

“You there!” he pointed at the brat, “Quit talking and get back to sparring! And you!” He pointed at Jay and glared for a moment.

“You’re late so you’re doing push-ups, jogging, then dummy training! No sparring today since you’re LATE!” Some spit left his mouth as he screamed “We don’t tolerate tardiness!”

The noble brat sneered with a smug smile as he went back to the sparring area.

Jay immediately felt thankful for the trainer, even though he was yelling at Jay with a vein popping out of his head. He went to the push-up area and began working out.

Jay began doing push-ups with the other recruits as the trainer continued to bark at them. As he began working out, he was amazed at how his own body now was not tired in the slightest, the only thing that changed for him was that his energy status went down from 25 to 23, even though he had just done 200 push-ups.

The standard training regime for new melee-recruits was to do 200 push-ups, jog around the outside of the compound twice, and then repeat until the instructor was pleased – however, as Jay began to get up, the instructor winced and screamed at him once more.

“YOU! I didn’t say you were finished! You’re doing four-hundred to make up for being late!”

“He doesn’t need to embarrass me like this. This is all that noble douches fault anyway, basically pushing me down the hill yesterday” he thought as he gritted his teeth in frustration, deciding to channel his rage into his push-ups.

After the first rage-filled push-up, Jay instantly received a notification:

[New passive skill unlocked!]