Chapter: 12
<[Stress Response]>

[- You get stronger when you’re angry, and angry when you exercise.]

[- +5% melee damage bonus when stressed or angry]

“Sweet” Jay smiled as his mood turned positive again and he lost the passive buff.

The trainer seemed angry as he saw Jay enjoying what was meant to be a punishment, and Jay continued to smirk to himself as he finished the extra 200 push-ups.

“Hopefully being an underdog always plays out like this.”

After the pushups came the running. He had to do 4 laps around the compound, lowering his energy to 17/25.

Thankfully, he did unlock another passive, though he wasn’t that impressed:

<[Running level 1]>

[- You can run faster, further, and use less energy doing so.]

[- +1% speed]

Coming back to the trainer, he was greeted with a light smile.

“Good job recruit, take a wooden weapon and start on the dummies.”

The trainer seemed less annoyed now that Jay had put in the effort without complaining, he seemed to respect hard work.

Jay was encouraged, and happily went back to the weapon rack and grabbed a wooden short-sword. Jay smirked proudly as he noticed the brat glance at him before going back to sparring another recruit, not willing to test the trainer’s booming voice.

Jay happily went to one of the training dummies which was closest to the mana craft garden. He started sparring lightly – and whenever he heard the mana craft instructor teach the lucky few in the mana craft group, he approached the dummy, pretending to inspect his damage as he tried to glean any scraps of mana craft training he could get, listening intentively:

– “…twist and pull the rope in, making it a part of yourself..”

– “…imagine you are the tree, make your bark, your shell, stronger..”

“…It sounds like some bullshit a fortune teller would say,” he thought with a raised brow.

Nevertheless, he committed each and every piece to memory as he pretended to ‘analyse’ the training dummy nearby.

After a few hours of training Jay levelled up, gaining 5 attribute points to spend.

He realised that his base class attributes had most points in energy, which increased mana, so he put them all into energy, raising it to 30 and his mana pool to 39.

His dexterity was quite high, but he assumed it was due to his skills with the butchering knives rather than his class, but he couldn’t be sure as he checked his status.

<[Necromancer level 2]>

HP: 48/48