Chapter: 188
Upon hearing that the whole hamlet was massacred, Sullivan had a remorseful look on his face for a moment before replying.
“…I see. It’s good that you didn’t mention Rosa to the others. We don’t want an investigation by the safety bearers. Where is Jay and the girl now?”
“With Margaret, he took all Naria’s stuff from her room so he’s probably handing it all over to Margie… Oh…” Anya looked at the bookshelf in Sullivans office as she remembered something.
“I also promised you would give Jay a nice reward for the quest – not just the quest payment price.”
Sullivan half-smiled at his daughter’s antics “I see…” Sullivan intertwined his fingers as he put his elbows on his desk.
“Tell him it will be ready by this afternoon, and to keep information about Rosa a secret. It would be better if he forgets about her, better if you both do.” Anya could feel her fathers piercing eyes looking at her.
“Sure. I’ll tell him… so what are you going to do with Naria?”
“I’ll talk to Margaret, we’ll figure something out. Perhaps Alevo can care for her once he recovers; he still has to be told that the hamlet is gone. It will be some time before either of them will be.. useful.”
“Good. I’m going to have a rest before I start training again.”
Sullivan nodded as Anya left the room before he swivelled in his chair and looked down at the adventurers on the courtyard.
“Now… what to get Jay,” Sullivan started calculating in his mind.
“Sending him away will be part of the reward, but I’ll add something else…”.
“He’s too powerful, so maybe some sort of utility type item. Perhaps even a promise would do, a promise to help him with something in the future… That seems a little flimsy though, and I won’t be tied down by a promise either. He probably won’t want something as simple as a sword anyway, he doesn’t do much fighting by the sounds of it…” Sullivan rolled his tongue in his cheek as he thought for a moment.
After some time, a slight smile appeared on Sullivans face as he thought of something perfect for Jay; something that wouldn’t make Jay stronger but would also be useful for him.
“Yes…” he smirked, “those will do nicely.”
– – –
“It’s ok honey, we’ll take care of her.” Margaret smiled at Jay from behind her glasses.
Jay, Naria and Margaret were in a small private room in the association. Jay put the last wooden toy he had in his inventory onto the floor next to Naria before heading to the door with Margaret as they left the room.
“I’ll be back soon, stay here ok?” she said to Naria as she closed the door and turned to Jay.
“Now, let’s see what we can do about your reward.” She went back to reception with Jay in tow.
“Okay, so the difficulty of the quest, type of monster, time, urgency…” Margaret started speaking to herself as she went over a few documents behind the counter.
“Here we are dear. Thankyou for your service.” Margaret plonked a bag full of gold coins on the counter in front of Jay – 340 glistening pieces to be precise.
“Thanks,” Jay smiled as he took the bag. By Jay’s estimate, this quest was worth it and far more lucrative than grinding in a dungeon; he got to get experience points, and get paid for it.
Plus, if he found anything valuable on the quest it was his to keep – though the monsters didn’t drop anything valuable this time. However, if they did he would have made even more money.
“I was told Sullivan has a special reward for me too…”