Chapter: 189
“Hm? Uh, that’s unusual. Give me a moment dear.” Margaret went into the back room to use a contact crystal before she came back out.
“Yes. There is a special reward,” she smiled. “Come back in a few hours to collect it ok dear?”
“Awesome, thanks. I’ll see you soon then.” Jay turned away.
“Oh!” Margaret waved at Jay before he walked too far away from the counter “Also, an adventurer named Trenly wanted to speak with you. We told him you were on an emergency quest and that we’d notify him when you get back if that’s ok with you?”
“Yeah sure. I’ll be back in a few hours for my reward so maybe I can meet him here then?”
“Ok, I’ll send him a message dear. Take care.”
With a thankful smile, Jay walked over to the dungeon board to see what dungeons he could do while waiting for the next few hours.
“Might as well be grinding while I wait.” he thought as he looked at the board.
“Hmm..” he thought to himself as he looked over the dungeons.
“Something simple would be good. The skeletons are still all a few days’ journey away at the hamlet, but I’ll just re-summon Red and Lamp.”
Red and Lamp were Jay’s level 2 skeletons, and were still in the ravine hunting leeches back near the hamlet; though Jay had no experience point notifications for a while so the ravine was probably clear by now.
While Jay was in the ravine, he re-summoned these two skeletons using soap-rat bones while sticking the semi-organic silt wolf bones into his inventory. The soap rat bones were weaker so he didn’t care about losing them.
This way he saved the precious silt wolf bones, so when he resummoned them using these bones again, the soap-rat bones would be left behind in the ravine – but this was fine with Jay since he considered them trash compared to the blue bones of the silt wolves. It was like comparing wood to iron. One was much stronger and could easily destroy the other.
Looking over the board, he decided on a level three dungeon. It was way too low level for Jay who was level 8, but he only had a few hours and two level 2 skeletons, so he thought he would just go slaughter some helpless dungeon monsters for a while.
There were two level 3 dungeons near Losla, but only one was an instanced dungeon. This was a requirement for Jay, as his skeletons would cause an uproar and probably lead to his early death if anyone saw them with him.
The level three dungeon was called [Mist Keep]. The information available about it was simply ‘Stone soldiers. Pyramid trap. Be able to comfortably fight at least four at once’.
Jay considered things for a moment. “Stinkrat Marsh was a level 1 dungeon, while its monsters went up to level 5, so this level 3 dungeon’s monsters would probably go up to level 8 or 9.”
The dungeon level system represented the minimum level monsters of the dungeon, which also correlated to it’s difficulty. The higher level a dungeon, the more dangerous it’s internal trapping mechanisms would be.
Jay thought he probably wouldn’t get very far in only two hours, nevertheless, he added the dungeon to his map.
He had a thought that fighting stone with bone might not work out too well, so he visited
Lillian. Jay was intending to purchase some iron bars to make into semi-bone hammers.
The hatch in the trading door was open and Jay could see Lillian.
“Here you go you little floof ball” Lillian smiled, feeding her novelty pet parts of her lunch. Her smile soon left as Jay rudely knocked on the trade door. He already knew what he wanted.
“Hello,” Lillian replaced her real smile with a fake smile that she used for customers “What would you like?”
“Three.. Actually six iron bars please. You have some in stock right?”