Chapter: 192
At the entrance of the destroyed stone gateway of the city, the stone statues didn’t move or even appear to have eyes, though it was hard to tell behind their thick stone helmets.

Jay thought he should be cautious anyway. Heading back the way he came, he went down the hill until he was out of sight of the destroyed city.

Jay shifted his ring into the orbital form, summoning Red and Lamp using the silt-wolf bones.

No one saw this, but their skeleton bodies in the dark ravine near the hamlet collapsed immediately as they were resummoned into this dungeon.

Just recharged their swords with essence and as he was about to hand them over, however, he then put them back into his inventory.

“Swords probably won’t do much against stone.” he said quietly to his skeletons.

“We can do better than swords anyway..” he smiled as he sat cross-legged, assuming his crafting position.

“It’s hammer time.”

Jay had purchased six iron bars, so he would create one hammer for himself, four for each of his minions and one spare hammer left over, for emergency – Jay would not be caught without a weapon at hand.

“Ok, crafting this will be a little different… I’ll be working with more than just bone.” he thought, holding an iron bar.

“Hmm… how am I going to make the bone attach to the bars…”

Jay looked at his skeletons for a moment as he analysed their knee joints. Thinking for a moment, he had an idea.

“I’ll have the bone will form a Y-split that the bar will seat in – but the hard part will be forming something new: a tendon. I’ll wrap the tendon around the bar and attach it to the top of the Y-split, pulling the split tight around the bar, which will in turn pull the bar into the split.”

Thinking about each step involved, Jay began the process,

Thick, dark green smokey mist left his palm as it pulled out a bone from his ring.

It was a large thigh bone, extra thick. His essence seeped into it and began to mould and meld it, reshaping it according to his desire.

A split formed at one end and was reinforced with the green gas as parts of it solidified the structure.

Jay concentrated, holding everything in place as he got one of his minions to hold an iron bar in place inbetween the split.

“Ok, now the tendon…”

The tendon would be made predominantly from his green gas. More gas burst forward from his hand as it went onto the end of the bone and solidified.

Before long, a string formed across the bar, getting thicker as more of Jay’s essence flowed into it.

After it was thick enough, Jay finished the process holding what seemed like an iron hammer with a bone shaft – though before Jay could even test it, the iron bar slipped out.

“Damn… well, it probably wouldn’t have worked on the first try anyway.”

Jay repeated the process another time, yet the same result.

“What am I missing here? Hmm..”