Chapter: 193
Jay had one of his skeletons come over. He analysed the joints of the creature as well as the tendons, particularly the flexor tendons on their claws.

“Hmm…” Jay made it open and close its hand “Oh! Right!”

Jay realised that tendons don’t just hold things together, but they actually contracted and extended; he realised he would need to make the tendon in an extended state as he wrapped it around the iron bar, then contract when it was finished.

Once more, he used the same thigh bone which was already a Y-shape. Having Lamp hold the bar, Jay crafted the tendon around it.

Once again it got thicker and formed – then he had it contract.

The tendon was quite strong, and Jay felt like the bone threatened to crack from the force of the tendon pulling it together, so he added more green gas to solidify the bone.

Jay knew he was getting closer now as he had a feeling that it was starting to craft itself, and soon it felt like the hammer was drawing in Jay’s essence by itself.

The bone got thicker for a moment and elongated. It took more of a shaft shape, gone were the bulbous parts of the bone at the end; then went to reinforcing its structure.

The bone had a tint of green by the end of the process, looking like any other war hammer with an unwrapped shaft; most shafts were wrapped with leather, but Jay’s hammers’ was covered in thick veins of green going up and down it.

After grasping it, Jay wasn’t disappointed. The vein-like structures proved to give enough grip, and the shaft got longer so he could build up a stronger swing.

“Nice.” Jay thought, his eyes gleaming with expectation as he looked at it.

“The only part I don’t like is the iron bar, but it will do the job.”

The iron bar was square and flat at the ends. It wasn’t much to look at, and Jay felt like it betrayed the rest of his fine craftsmanship. The bone with strands of green going through it gave it an ornamental feel.

“Beautiful. Can’t wait to smash some heads open with you. Let’s see your stats.” Jay analysed the bone hammer.

[Bone Hammer Level 1] (Iron Bar)

[5 damage – crushing, bludgeoning]

[5% chance to stun or cripple targets – Dependant on point of impact]

[Lifespan – Requires necrotic essence to maintain it’s form]

[Current lifespan: 4 hours]

“Ok, ok. Not bad. Pretty similar to my bone daggers but with one extra damage and a shorter lifespan, not that a short life is a problem anyway.

Jay got up and searched for a rock. Most of the ground was cracking dried-out soil, but after walking down the hill a little he found his first victim – a large rock.

*Thwack! – clingg*

The hammer made a ringing noise after he smashed it against the bare stone, but it came out much better than its target. A chunk of the rock had cracked and fell off, unable to withstand a single blow from his hammer.

“Nice.” Jay was satisfied, smiling at his hammer as he gripped it firmly and swinged it a few times.