Chapter: 218
“All according to plan” he smiled.

Like the previous fights, it was easy for Jay to beat a swordsman statue. He didn’t take a single hit, and in no time, the soldier dropped to its knees, falling face down and it’s head crumbled when it hit the ground.

Jay looked to see how the other fights were doing.

Red was fighting a swordsman, and was doing fine as it dodged it easily; Lamp was having trouble with the spearman, and had taken a few hits already.

“Damn.. I thought I told them to focus on dodging.” Jay quickly ran over to relieve Lamp and sent his skeleton to help Red.

“I’ll handle it.” he said to his skeleton, commanding Lamp to go fight the swordsman.

Like usual, Jay dodged a thrust from the spear and went to smash against the side of it’s head.

To his expectations, the black helmet flew off, revealing another normal-looking stone head underneath.

“Heh, I guess you’re not that special.” Jay smiled condescendingly as he dodged another thrust.


“Fuh!” Jay was stabbed in the shoulder, the pain stopping him from swearing.

[5 damage]

[Mana burn – 0.5mana/second for 5 seconds]

Jay backed up, retreating until he was out of attack range. The hole filled up as his hit points went down.

“What the hell? It just attacked twice… what the hell was that…”

As Jay thought this, he realised he hadn’t analysed any of them yet.

“Ugh, I should’ve analysed it when I saw that damn helmet…” He felt silly, starting his analysis with the spearman.

<[Helvetian Soldier – Level 4]>

[50 HP]


[Brittle Armour]

– 40% damage reduction to slashing, stabbing damage.

– 20% more damage taken from crushing damage.

[Helvetia’s Revenge]

– Magic damage immune.