Chapter: 219
– Any wielded weapons become cursed.

[Double Strike]

– Does two attacks in rapid succession. Each attack is 75% as strong as a normal one.

– 10 Second cooldown.


– A soldier of the Helvetian kingdom, turned to stone. It stands guard, waiting for it’s chance to exact revenge on those who would harm its kingdom.

“Damn, it’s level four. That double strike skill must have been what hit me.” he read over the other information as he back stepped – the soldier was slowly walking towards him as its steps caused trembles in the ground.

“I wish it showed me information about their weapons… I guess the analysis skill can only go so far. It’s annoying that it doesn’t show me the curse information either, but I suppose that may be part of the curse?” Jay shrugged as he looked at the skill again.

“Double strike, 10 second cooldown… guess I need to end this quickly before it can hit me again.”

Jay sprung back into action, side stepping the spear thrusts as he smashed it’s head. It had more hit points than the level three statues, so Jay realised it would be able to use it’s skill at least one more time.

“Hmm.. What are my options.. It’s going to hit me one more time when it uses that double strike skill.” Jay thought as he dodged another spear thrust.

It would normally be hard to think like this during combat, but since Jay was level 9, he was far quicker than the level three and four soldiers he had fought so far.

“I guess I could just take the hit… hmm. But I can’t just do that every time, that would create a bad habit in my fighting. Besides, I don’t want to be a pin cushion.”

After nearly ten seconds passed, Jay backed off from the fight again – right before the stone soldiers’ double strike skill came off cooldown.

“Hmm… I think if I predict when it uses the skill, I should be able to block it..”

Jay waited another 5 seconds before stepping back into the fight. He was certain that the soldier would use the double strike skill as soon as it came off cooldown.

With a whistling noise, a thrust came towards him which he easily dodged – though this time, he raised his shield immediately after dodging.

*Thwungg~* Jay smiled fiendishly as the spear was stopped by the shield; as it made contact, he took no damage as the shield had a 15% chance to ignore all damage when blocking..

“Deathwalkers sentry, you beautiful bastard!” Jay smiled at his shield, jumping forward with excitement again, continuing his onslaught with his hammer against the stone statue’s head.

Jay was more focused on counting the seconds than the fights as he swung his hammer wildly, but before he could get to 10 seconds, the statue fell backwards, it’s torso splitting into two halves as it cracked on the ground; defeated before it could muster a third double-strike.

[100 Exp]

The two skeletons were still fighting the swordsman, and Jay analysed it before helping. Finding that it was level 3, and posed no threat, he decided to loot the other soldiers.

[Empty soulstone]x2

[Helvetian Ring]