Chapter: 228
Jay stood in the back of the prison cell for his own safety; blue orb in one hand, deathwalker’s sentry in the other, as he peered from behind his skeletons into the darkness.

The marching sounds grew closer until finally it sounded as if they were just outside the cell.

*Throosh~* a spear suddenly pierced through the veil, sending a skeleton flying right into Jay and knocking him down for a moment.

“Ah~” Jay let out a gasp, pushing the skeleton off him as he got up.

Another spear followed shortly after, but didn’t connect with any targets.

“Back up to the wall.” he commanded his skeletons “If the spear can’t reach or hit us, maybe the statues will open the cage…” he squinted as more spears pierced into the cell.

Strangely, the veil wasn’t breaking as the spears passed through. It was like a liquid when the spears went through it, and after the spears left again, the veil reformed itself resulting in no holes.

Waiting for a moment as the spears harmlessly pierced the air in front of them, Jay was getting impatient.

“When is it going to open… or is it even going to open?”

“Maybe I will need to just leave the dungeon…” he said with a regretful half-smile..

After waiting a while, the fibre-curtain still didn’t open – though the sounds coming from the other side began to change.

Swings and thrusts of spears sounded from behind the veil, yet no spears thrusts came through.

A clang of a hammer rang every so often. Clearly, a fight was happening behind the veil.

“What the hell is happening out there…” To Jay, it sounded like a one-sided slaughter.

“Interesting…” he continued to squint as he listened, trying to understand what was going on from the sounds he was hearing.

In hardly any time at all, the spears stopped piercing the veil and there was almost complete silence coming from the other side – except for a distinct single pair of footsteps.

Similar to the stone statues, they sounded like they had weight behind each step – but the sound was more like a fine shoe or high heels as opposed to a heavy boot thudding noise.

“Hello?” Jay called out one more time, anticipating meeting a bigger threat, he was ready to leave the dungeon.

A voice sounded from behind the veil. It was the ghostly-sounding voice of an older woman.

“Hello young one. Fear not, the statues are gone. You may approach.”

Jay didn’t take a single step forward, and stared blankly at the veil as if to say “I’m not an idiot.”

Stepping forward would just make him a sitting duck.

“Cautious. Good.” the woman’s voice continued, “Young one, I see you are like us… at least some of us.”

Jay tilted his head to the side, still squinting from suspicion.

“I sense immortality in you; we still have our minds intact. Some of these men… the statues… they were hastily formed, a weak seal slowly leaking over time. This is as simple as I can describe it. For these ones, much of what they do is simply instinctual, having forgotten that they too were once human; relics of their former selves.”