Chapter: 229
“Most humans forget that they’re human too.” Jay retorted with a single shoulder shrug, a glimmer of wisdom in his eyes.

“Hmmh,” the voice seemed to chuckle in its own way. “This trap was not meant for you, let me open it.”

Jay patiently waited a moment as the tiny fibres of the veil all retracted into the wall with a paper-tearing noise.

Seeing what was on the other side, he subconsciously backed up for a moment – hitting the wall and raising his shield.

Before him stood the statue of a slender tall woman, it was a head higher than the statues he had been fighting and much more imposing.

The armour seemed like a light armour variant yet with detailed engravings, giving off a sense of royalty.

In its hand was a large spear whose blade was tipped with black material. “Probably the same invulnerable type of material as the dungeon.” thought Jay.

The spear had a hammer built into the blade further down from the spearhead, similar to a halberd.

It was a two handed spear, but this statue obviously could use it one-handed as well, as the other hand of the statue had a stone hand which ended in long black claws.

The face of the statue was covered with a black mask, though Jay could tell that it wasn’t moving it’s mouth when it spoke.

Jay stood in admiration of the magnificent creation before him – until it moved and he recomposed himself.

Gripping his hammer a little more tightly in case it would attack, the statue responded by speaking gently.

“Fear not, young one.” a blue orb resonated as the voice spoke, a light coming from the throat of the statue. “I won’t harm you; no. I need your help.”

Jay was still distrusting of the statue, but he decided to entertain its conversation; still ready to leave the dungeon at a moment’s notice. For some reason, the statue had a voice similar to margaret; gentle and caring.

“…” Jay was silent as he had his skeletons stand between him and the female statue, waiting till they got in position before he spoke.

“What kind of help? And what’s in it for me? And who was the trap for, if not for me?”

“Come to a safer place so we may discuss it.” The statue turned and began walking into the darkness.

Jay hesitated before walking out of the prison cell. Stepping out, he was shocked at how much stone soldier statue rubble was lying around.

Only three spears could pierce into the cell because the statues were large when they stood side by side, but outside, Jay counted approximately 6 swords and 5 spears as he walked after the slender female statue.

Of course as he walked, he covertly collected as many of the helvetian rings and empty soulstones as he could; 9 rings and 14 stones.

Unlike the pyramid above, this was more like a catacomb of sorts; there were many twists, turns, a bridge, rooms with pillars, and part of the trip was simply walking in darkness.

This confirmed to Jay that the pyramids were bigger on the inside. It was like a dungeon within a dungeon.

At one point, a stone soldier statue crossed their path – but the female statue effortlessly destroyed its head with a single swing of its hammer-spear.

Jay gripped his shield a little more firmly as he saw this, but didn’t let his fear show before the statue.

After some time of following, the statue spoke again as they came to a wall. It seemed like a completely flat, innocuous wall until it moved.