Chapter: 276
[Asklin] (Equipment)

[Undead Mastery Level 2] (Passive)

[Stress Response] (Passive)

[Running level 2] (Passive)

[Dagger Proficiency level 1] (Passive)

[Sword Proficiency Level 1] (Passive)

[Poison Resist 10%] (Passive – equipment)

[Scrimshaw Level 2] (Passive)

[Class Utility] (Passive)


[Chimera Research 9%]

[Immortality Research 3%]

“About half way…” he thought, seeing his experience.

Soon his eyes drifted over his vitality stat. It was high, but he now felt silly whenever he looked at it.

Why have lots of health and still be weak? He basically made himself into a walking training dummy; a punching bag.

Strength-wise, he was even weaker than most level one’s, as other classes started with 20 or even 25 points in strength – of course, they would most likely have low energy or really bad energy-mana scaling, resulting in a small mana pool as a trade off.

Of course, none of them would have undead companions.

“Well, I’m sure Sweeper has levelled up. I better go gather the crystals and reset the dungeon… but there’s no point in healing the skeletons as I have to unsummon and re-summon them.”

Jay headed off to the dungeon. It was still early in the morning so there weren’t many people around, which made it easier to sprint through Losla to the dungeon.

Jay entered the dungeon area, this time there were no other adventurers around since it was still so early in the morning.

A big smile appeared on his face as soon as he stepped into the dungeon, as a large pile of soul stones greeted him.

“Oh yes! One step closer to completing the quest” he grinned as he added them all to his inventory.

[Soulstones] (empty) x 94

Next, he willed his minions to rally to him.

As if responding to a call to war, they immediately started sprinting out of the ruins. Their wolf skulls would probably begin to make whistling noises if they could run any faster.