Chapter: 277
It wasn’t long before the four skeletons stood before Jay – but there was something different.

Three of them had lined up, while Blue stood in front of them as if it was their commanding officer.

Instead of being like a loose rabble of four unruly teenagers, they were now more like a single military unit.

“Huh, I guess they act more like soldiers when you give them a commander?” Jay thought, remembering that he said Blue was in charge before he left the dungeon last time.

“Well done, good job” he said, before he grabbed their hammers.

Jay didn’t know if they would even acknowledge his praise, but at this moment it seemed like Blue’s skull raised up a little, as if proud that it had served its master.

Jay began the process of resetting the dungeon. He stored the hammers away before de-summoning them, returning their bones to his ring.

He then left the dungeon so that the monsters would respawn, before re-entering again and summoning the skeletons.

After being summoned, they immediately re-formed their formation: Blue in front with the 3 others lined up behind him.

Jay raised a brow seeing this, it was as if they weren’t all just de-summoned at all. They skeletons remembered that Blue was in charge.

“Cool… I guess he continues with his orders even after he’s summoned?”

This would be handy if Jay had numerous skeletons, he would simply have to re-summon them if they died, and they would then leave to carry out their orders.

“Sweeper looks skinny… oh right. You need some food” Sweeper had levelled up to 3.

Jay still had his ring in the orbital form, so he let sweeper feast.

“Go on” he said, pointing with a nod towards the bones floating around him in the ring.

Sweeper happily obliged, plucking some bones out of the ring and began chomping them down.

Jay didn’t need to heal any of his minions, as he just re-summoned them.

As Sweeper ate, Jay analysed the hammers before giving them back.

“Hmm, seems like they’re in pretty good condition” Jay thought as he analysed them.

Most of them were still holding their shape; it seemed that the skeletons were feeding them mana to maintain them.

This couldn’t be compared to Jay’s [Shell Restoration] skill, as to maintain necrotic items all they needed was a mana supply.

The skeletons still had the ability to craft rudimentary bone weapons – this was where Jay learnt the skill from in the first place, but they still had no need as Jay supplied them with much better weapons than they themselves could craft.

Jay did spend hours crafting bone daggers in order to raise his scrimshaw skill up to level 2, eventually making the [Deathwalker’s sentry].

– – –

Later in the morning, a guard visited Jay’s butchery.