Chapter: 282
Matheson’s eyes bulged for a moment, he hurriedly turned and stood with his back to the wall, hiding from whatever this wave of blue thick light that was coming towards him.


The wave hit Matheson, but he only realised after he found himself falling to the ground, though with his high dexterity he managed to catch himself and stand up. Due to the attack, he didn’t remember the last half-second.

All he knew was that he was hiding from an attack, and then he found himself falling over.

Clearly, the wall did nothing to block whatever that attack was.

“Argh..” he put his hand against his head, rubbing it as it throbbed. The pain was immense; he felt dizzy and heard a loud ringing noise.

“What the hell…” he couldn’t hear his own voice because the ringing noise was so loud.

Looking around, he noticed a silt-wolf at the entrance.

His vision was a little fuzzy too, but he wearily readied his sword.

Unfortunately, the passage was narrow and he couldn’t side-step, while he was feeling too dizzy to simply jump backwards.

Before he realised, the wolf pounced forward bearing its teeth.

“ARRGGH!” he screamed as the wolf sunk its teeth into his arm.

It was painful, but Matheson had built up some tolerance to pain through his insane workouts.

Without pause he began slashing at the wolf.

Thankfully, it died after two slashes.

With his arm free, it healed back up as he lost some health points – though there was still some pain coming from it as the bone was now cracked; It would take a little longer to heal due to that.

Health points healed flesh quite quickly, but bone was another matter.

“GRR!” he clenched his teeth in anger, entering back into the room – however, it was empty.

His brow was furrowed, angry as he looked around for his target, though he still found no traces of it.

“Dammit! Fuck.” kicking the silt-wolf corpse, he let out some anger.

He wanted revenge.

After he felt like his head felt better, he was considerably less angry.

“The wolves were attacking an intruder, not a noble.” he thought after his mind was more clear.

“Nevertheless, I will not show mercy…” he looked at his arm.

“I’ll level up more and come back some other time. It’s too risky to stay.”