Chapter: 281
Slowly he crept forward, but then he noticed something – another silt-wolf lay in wait in a corner of the room. A normal one, it seemed to be guarding the other eyeless one.

“Damn.. I didn’t want to fight two at once.” he pursed his lips, “I’ll give it a go anyway.”

He was trying to push himself harder and take bigger risks.

This was the second night he had come here, and he had ventured much deeper into the mine this time, though the dungeon was an underground maze and he definitely didn’t take the same route as last time.

Hitting level 6 also gave him a confidence boost, so he decided to fight.

“I’ll start with the normal one first.” It seemed less risky.

Matheson walked over. The wolf noticed him, but before it could react Matheson jumped forward, slashing his red hot sword across its face.

The wolf whimpered for a moment before snarling and lashing back.

Matheson easily dodged it’s swipe and retaliated with his own slash.

Matheson’s sword did 5 damage, with 3 extra fire damage, and 1 burn damage for 2 seconds, totalling 10 damage per hit.

The silt-wolves only had 40 health, so after the second strike it was already half-dead – though if he attacked too quickly the burn damage would not stack (only doing 1 damage), meaning he would have to do 5 strikes to kill it.

The silt-wolves also had the [Solidify] skill, which gave them massive damage resistance. If Matheson was too slow, it would be able to use this ability twice during battle. Theoretically, a silt-wolf could last for 7 strikes from Matheson’s blade.

As Matheson waited to dodge the silt-wolves’ next attack, he noticed a weird bright light coming from behind him.

He wanted to look but knew he would be bitten if he turned away from his opponent, so he jumped back and twisted his head at the same time, glancing at the light.

Not far behind him, a blue orb was slowly rhythmically pulsing as it was glowing brighter.

“What the…” he looked back at the wolf he was fighting as it was about to pounce.

With a sidestep he dodged its bite attack before slashing at its neck.

The wolf howled in pain, and while it was an easy fight, Matheson had a bad feeling about the blue orb behind him.

It had grown so bright in intensity now that he didn’t even have to turn his head to see the light.

“Retreat or fight…” he thought.

In a split second he made a decision – retreat to the entrance of the room. He ran as fast as his feet could carry him, dashing across the room.

Thankfully he had high dexterity so he ran incredibly fast.

As Matheson got around the corner, suddenly the light coming from the orb flashed brightly and disappeared.

“Hm?” Matheson raised a brow, peeking out from behind the wall.

Suddenly, a wave of blue light came flying at him, a sphere of light emanating from the centre of the room.