Chapter: 286
Suffice to say, the second statue was crumbled in an instant.

Two skeletons lined up behind Blue and Jay, and the last one was on crystal gathering duty – it was Sweeper.

The minion came running back like a dog fetching a ball, seemingly excited to bring them to its master, holding two crystals out to Jay.

Jay reached out to accept the crystals, “Thanks Swee-”

The skeleton suddenly dropped them on the ground before him.

“What the?” Jay felt like he got metaphorically slapped in the face.

His own skeleton let him bend down like a peasant and pick them up.

Nevertheless, he knelt down and picked the crystals up anyway.

“So this is how it feels” Jay thought, remembering how he typically throws their weapons on the ground for them to pick up.

While this seemed like a rude thing to do, the skeletons didn’t actually have a bad attitude – really. It was because Jay had previously commanded them to drop them before him.

Both to make a pile, and back at the marsh when they were covered with blood.

He simply didn’t want to touch them; they are made from decaying bone and flesh tissue after all, it was not hygenic.

Remembering that this was his fault, he wasn’t offended; only feeling a little silly.

Jay’s destination was the second pyramid, however he first had to walk past Sedulus’s pyramid, along with the two massive pillars which sat in front of the first pyramid.

Jay remembered that last time he was here, there were two sword statues and one spear statue in between these pillars of the pyramid; the spear statue had a black helmet that he was forced to knock off before he could end the fight quickly.

For a moment he considered commanding the skeletons, but after seeing what Blue did previously, he decided to let Blue maintain his commander role – for now anyway.

Walking along, Jay decided to open his exp notification.

[240 Exp]

He closed it with a slight smile. Usually he would say “Nice” to himself, but something else was weighing on his conscience – The last few days had felt repetitive to him.

“It feels like I’m moving in circles… heading back to the marsh, realising I am weak and have not come very far, doing this dungeon multiple times… what am I even doing here?”

He walked a little more slowly, feeling like he was getting nowhere.

“Hmm… it feels like a waste of time…” he pursed his lips, and took a deep breath before exhaling slowly “But I have a reason to keep going.”

“I could live a peaceful, quiet life.” he stopped walking.

Taking a moment, he looked around the ruined landscape as he went deep into his thoughts.